Last week I posted review of SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha. Even the name is same the difference when wearing them so I make review in separated post.
Sebelumnya aku sudah mereview SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha akhir pekan lalu. Meskipun namanya sama dan hanya berbeda di warna, tapi aku merasakan perbedaan waktu memakainya jadi aku membuat review dalam post yang berbeda.
So far all parcels I got from Klenspop only took less than 2 weeks. It come in small box and inside is small box too wrapped with bubble wrap.
Selama ini paket yang aku terima dari Klenspop yang berlokasi di Korea selalu sampai dalam waktu kurang dari 2 minggu. Di packing dalam box dan di dalamnya ada box lagi yang lebih kecil yang di bubble wrap.
The box is designed with pretty girl picture and in the back side of box you will see circle lenses manual also a pamflet or circle lenses manual. Inside there is a pair of circle lens lens case and tweezer.
Box kecilnya itu ada gambar perempuan yang cantik, dibagian belakang ada circle lens manual nya. Di dalam boxnya ada sepasang circle lens, lens case, tweezer dan juga ada kertas tentang cara pakai lens atau cara membersihkan circle lens.
Before read more review, I want to apologize because I can't provide more detailed picture because the file is corrupted when I check it on my laptop.
Maaf ya kali ini foto lengkap lens nya benar-benar sedikit banget. Waktu aku cek di laptop kebanyakan gambarnya jadi gak bisa dibuka gitu, waktu aku cek di hp tulisannya file corrupt T-T
Manufacturer :
Diameter :
14.20 mm
14.20 mm
Graphic Diameter :
13.60 mm
13.60 mm
Water Content :
Base Curve :
Life Span :
6 Month
6 Month
Country of Origin :
South Korea
South Korea
Price :
Includes 1 pair of circle lenses with bonus case and tweezer.
*available in minus power range*
I swear this is the last I won't hurt your eyes again by seeing my selfie ^___^v
I'm changing my skincare lately but some products is not suits my skin. So I have lot of bump now T~T
What's on my face :
#Clean & Clear Essentials Oil-Control Toner
#Pixy Radiant Finish Lightening Cream Spotcare Beauty
#LA Girl HD Pro Concealer - Warm Honey
#Emina City Chic CC Cake - Latte
#Emina Bare With Me Mineral Loose Powder - Ebony
#K-Palette Real Lasting Eyeliner - Super Black
(forget what fake eyelashes I use)
#Blink Charm Brush-On Lash GLUE
#Sigma Beauty Powder Blush - Heavenly
#Maybelline Color Show Lipstick - Nude Mocha
Overall, this lens is comfortable enough just too bad about my vision that will get blurry every 30 minutes. If only my vision don't get blurry I will rate it same like SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha.
Don't forget to check Klenspop Special Sale here, price start from $3-$29. If you are live in Japan check their website named Jlenspop.
Disclaimer :$30
Includes 1 pair of circle lenses with bonus case and tweezer.
*available in minus power range*
The design in glass vials is pretty similar with SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha, the difference is the color of the font. SIO 3 Color Lizzy Blue also Hydrogel lens which is rich oxygen, rich water content another good point is it have strong UV blocking.
Desain di kemasannya sangat mirip dengan SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha hanya berbeda di warna saja. SIO 3 Color Lizzy Blue juga merupakan Hydrogel Lens yang kaya akan oksigen, kandungan air dan juga memiliki kemampuan blocking sinar UV.
Inside and outside color is different so it really helps me when wearing it. Design also same with SIO 3 Color Lizzy Mocha only different in color. More detail you can see in picture below taken from klenspop website.
Bagian luar dan dalamnya juga memiliki warna yang berbeda jadi memudahkan aku waktu mau pakai. Desainnya tuh gimana ya, aku bingung jelasinnya, bisa dilihat di gambar di bawah ini yang aku ambil dari web tapi mirip banget sama aslinya kok.
When wearing it, this lens give enlargement effect but not so big, the enlargement effect is so natural. The color when I wear it is dark blue. I don't like wearing this lens every day because the color which is not suits my personality since I'm relly a shy girl LOL, so most of the time I prefer circle lens with more 'calm' color such as brown, gary or black.
Waktu dipakai circle lens ini ada efek membesarkannya tapi gak yang 'wow' banget, efek membesarkannya tuh yang natural gitu. Warna nya dark blue waktu aku pakai. Aku sih kurang suka pakai warna ini, lebih prefer yang coklat karena lebih kalem aja, maklum aku kan pemalu jadi kalau pakai ini rasanya terlalu rame gitu LOL.
My experience when wearing this is actually comfortable don't make my eyes hurt or make it become red. But, I feel every almost 30 minutes my vision get blurry, well eyedrops will solve the problem. But, using eyedrops every 30 minutes is a bit bothering, right? ^^a
Pengalaman aku pakai circle lens ini, sebenarnya nyaman-nyaman aja aku gak ngerasa mata aku perih atau mata aku jadi merah. Tapi, ada tapinya nih... kira-kira setiap 30 menit pandangan aku jadi blur gitu. Nah kalau udah begitu jadinya aku harus pakai tetes mata biar ngelihatnya jadi jelas lagi. Padahal rasanya masih nyaman, gak perih atau apapun tapi kan males juga kan setiap 30 menit harus pakai tetes mata biar ngelihatnya tetap jelas?
I swear this is the last I won't hurt your eyes again by seeing my selfie ^___^v
I'm changing my skincare lately but some products is not suits my skin. So I have lot of bump now T~T
What's on my face :
#Clean & Clear Essentials Oil-Control Toner
#Pixy Radiant Finish Lightening Cream Spotcare Beauty
#LA Girl HD Pro Concealer - Warm Honey
#Emina City Chic CC Cake - Latte
#Emina Bare With Me Mineral Loose Powder - Ebony
#K-Palette Real Lasting Eyeliner - Super Black
(forget what fake eyelashes I use)
#Blink Charm Brush-On Lash GLUE
#Sigma Beauty Powder Blush - Heavenly
#Maybelline Color Show Lipstick - Nude Mocha
COLOR : 3/5
DESIGN : 3/5
Don't forget to check Klenspop Special Sale here, price start from $3-$29. If you are live in Japan check their website named Jlenspop.
"This product was sent to me for review purpose. However all opinion are based on the author's personal experience. Please note, not all products works for me might not works good for you or otherwise."
Read more complete disclaimer here.
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warna birunya soft dan natural bgt yah XD you look sooo cute here >3<
ReplyDeleteiyaaa untung biru nya bukan yg terang gitu ^^
Deletethanks maria ^^
ReplyDeletelucu banget indiraa ^^
ReplyDeleteanyway manual booknya gemesin yah, colorful dan niat banget ini hehhe
iya lucu banget ^^ ><
DeleteI actually quite like this colour!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't stand out too much (it blends beautifully in your eyes ^^) but enough for you to see the design~
Btw, I’d love to invite you to join my blog giveaway!
xx Charmaine
charrmyn || Join my Blog Giveaway!
Thankyou Charmaine ^^
DeleteLooks so pretty ^_^ I like the blue.
Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog ini.
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